

The corporate affairs of the First Congregational Church of Clinton, Iowa, shall be vested in the Board of Trustees as provided in the Articles of Incorporation of said Church. The said Board of Trustees shall perform such duties as shall be incumbent upon a Board of Trustees in the management of a corporation.


  • Be responsible for the custody of the property of the church. The Board shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer real estate without specific authority by vote of the church;

  • Have charge of the church’s financial affairs subject to laws or regulations prescribed by the State;

  • Appoint a stewardship committee, whereby the annual budget of the church shall be underwritten (See Article IX, Sec. 9.4 Stewardship


  • Review annual budget requests from the Boards and present a proposed budget for congregational approval at the annual meeting;

  • Appoint a Personnel Committee, to assist in the recruitment of staff, maintain job descriptions, recommend staff salary and hours, and assist with management and evaluations (See Article IX, Sec. 9.2 Personnel


  • Seek to instill the ideals of Christian Stewardship.


It shall be the duty of the Diaconate to cooperate with the pastor in ministering to the spiritual interest of the church and community as follows:

a. Advise the pastor on worship in concept and practice;

b. Develop worship opportunities and involvement, corporately and individually, among church members, their families, and friends of the church;

c. Assist in preparation and serving of sacramental elements;

d. Provide for ushers, music, bulletins, greeters, special flowers, and such other needs as may arise in the practice of worship;

e. Provide for worship leadership in the absence of the pastor, or in case of a pastoral vacancy;

f. Provide leadership in the task of evangelism by the church;

g. Approve or deny all applications for membership;

h. Call upon new members, and introduce new families in the life of the church;

i. Have jurisdiction in the administration of the Diaconate Fund received at the first worship service of the month;

j. Make an annual survey of the church roll and submit recommendations to the church regarding necessary revisions at the annual meeting;

k. Give attention to membership discipline as provided for in this


l. Visit and minister to the sick, the sorrowing, those troubled and in need.


1. Responsibilities

a. Promote the understanding of the “Church as Mission”;

b. Supervise and correlate the benevolent plans and special offerings of the church;

c. Initiate and direct programs for local community outreach and societal concerns;

d. Conduct mission education on programs concerning the work of our church – local, state, national and ecumenical;

Develop and minister other outreach programs


1. Responsibilities

a. Supervise and direct the educational and faith formation work of the church;

b. Appoint a Superintendent of the Church School, if needed, who shall administer the Church School under the Board’s guidance. The

Superintendent shall be an ex-officio member, with vote, of the Board of

Christian Education;

c. Appoint or remove teachers and other personnel not otherwise provided for;

d. Create and maintain other Christian education and Faith Formation activities such as Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, youth group, bible study, etc.


A. Membership

The Church Cabinet shall consist of the Pastor, the Moderator as Chairperson, the

Church Clerk – who shall be Secretary of the Cabinet, the Church Treasurer, the Chairperson, or designee of each Board; and Chairpersons or designees of Standing Committees and Auxiliary Organizations, as appropriate.

The Diaconate Chairperson or representative shall serve as Vice-Chairperson.

B. Meetings

The Cabinet shall meet at least quarterly or upon call of the Pastor or upon request of five active members of the church. Four members shall constitute a quorum.

C. Ad-Hoc committees

In the appointing of Ad-Hoc Committees to assist with its functions, it may select other persons to be on such committees. All Ad-Hoc Committees are responsible to the Cabinet in all respects, functions to be performed, size, and length of service.

It shall be the duty of the Church Cabinet to:

A. Receive reports from the functioning Boards, Committees and Organizations of the Church.

B. Coordinate all programs in such a way that the total operations of the Church shall carry out and implement the priorities of the Church as identified by the Boards, Pastor and Congregation.

C. Act on behalf of the Church in matters relating to the overall affairs and oversight of the Church, in accordance with the Constitution.

D. Share counsel with the functioning Boards, Committees and Organizations of the Church regarding their responsibilities.

E. Receive and process any overall concerns and/or grievances within the Church. Any church member with a concern and/or grievance is encouraged to address it directly with the Cabinet.

F. Review and process concerns submitted to it by the Pastor/Parish Relations Committee.

G. Consider such other tasks or ideas as may be suggested to it.